The Weekly RECIPE lIST
Sign Up for the weekly recipe list
Planning ahead and knowing what you’re going to eat (and feed your family) each week can be very time consuming and can feel like a chore! But failure to plan ahead can result in that dreaded “what should we eat tonight?” convo, and that gets old fast! So why not let someone else do the planning for you? Join the weekly email list to have recipes (along with a grocery list) sent to you every week. You’ll no longer need to spend hours searching instagram, pinterest, google, etc.. for recipes that may or may not be healthy. Recipes are filled with nutrients to fuel your body. They’re simple, easy to follow and include a variety, so you’re never bored.

What’s waiting for your when you sign up:
Grocery Lists
Sara makes it simple for you to start your week with success. Save time searching for recipes and creating your grocery list - let Sara do it for you! The grocery list is delivered safely to your email each week and is organized by section of the store, saving you a ton of time.
Simple and delicious recipes
Finding healthy recipes can be extremely time consuming, yet planning ahead is one of the keys of success for eating healthy consistently. Let Sara do the work of finding simple, yet delicious recipes for you and your family! There’s no need to be bored with the same meals on repeat…
Fuel Your Body
Recipes are packed with nutrients and contain a healthy mix of protein, carbs and fats to give you energy and heal your body. Stick with them and you’ll likely notice a big difference in how your body feels.
Still looking for more?
If you are looking for something more than just weekly recipes, health coaching with Sara may be right for you. Book a free consultation to learn more about how you can gain confidence in your mind and body.