I believe that the key to a healthy life is balance and consistency. That means choosing the healthy option 80% of the time, and allowing yourself grace to indulge 20% of the time. Stick to it and you’ll see results.
Food really is medicine - what you eat matters, but you know that already.
How can you be expected to find the time to plan ahead when it feels like you’re just trying to keep your head above water? Finding healthy recipes, determining whether they’re actually healthy, remembering everything at the grocery store that you need, and then actually cooking multiple meals per week on top of everything else you do in your busy schedule takes time!
Wish you could hire a private chef? We all do.
Here’s the next best option. Let me do most of the work for you.
As a mother of two little kids, I often find myself spending most of my energy on others. When my tank hit E, I had a poor habit of reaching for that quick, highly processed, unhealthy snack option. In working with Sara, I have learned simple tools and tricks to prepare quick, health alternatives that are also full of flavor. With her help, I have been able to implement these habits that will stick with me, creating a lifestyle not only for me, but also for my family.
— Rachel
I believe that our relationship with food has a HUGE impact on our overall health. Pair that with self confidence and you have an unstoppable mix.
The Nourish to Flourish exceeded my expectations - I have lost substantial weight, have increased energy and better strength! It provided me with the structure I needed to get on the right path. I found all of the info on macros, tips and tricks very helpful - I have the ability to make better food choices. I also learned how important the non-food related factors (movement, reducing stress, etc..) were to overall health. I am actually enjoying my new lifestyle which gives me the momentum to keep going! I would definitely recommend the program to others!”
— Jessica
10 favorite healthy recipes